207077 on Terry
Proper Completion in 01:18:55
N.S.S. PDA message from Purple Muggins (Security Officer), "one eyed wonder weasel aboard Delta Station
Station Integrity
Survival Rate
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Round Initialized Duration Round Started Round Duration Round Ended Duration Round Shutdown
2023-05-28 18:07:21 00:09:16 2023-05-28 18:16:37 01:18:55 2023-05-28 19:35:32 00:01:27 2023-05-28 19:36:59
Log Links Round 207077 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 207077 at 🐝 Scrubby
Github Commit 8e49222b72f6fdcbe741d2a6ce0a8425d95010b7
How to Install Gentoo
Basic Statistics
Peripheral Conciousness (MooCow12) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • FAIL Maintain the peace on the station. Ensure every nation has a delegate alive by the end of the round.
KEY HOLDER (Prussen) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • FAIL Maintain the peace on the station. Ensure every nation has a delegate alive by the end of the round.
Konserva (RedFoxIV) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • FAIL Maintain the peace on the station. Ensure every nation has a delegate alive by the end of the round.
John Lackland (P0pe Urban II) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Cratetide flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Julia Toolbox (Massa100) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Cratetide flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Adam Pritchard (Bledoslav) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Cratetide flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Kitsu Nordina (LePootisPenser) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Cratetide flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Nortius Maximus (Arguz) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Cratetide flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Christian Sinder (Ult1ima9) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Cratetide flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Fredrico Unrobusto (Oliva) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Cratetide flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Chad Power (Urok) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Atomomarea flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Bradley Howard (BingBong34) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Atomomarea flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Rides-The-Fire (SovietJenga) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Atomomarea flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Jalen Foster (Aceypoo) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Atomomarea flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
General Goldenbar III Esquire (Likteer) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Atomomarea flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Jonnavan Johns (Ardbrkygn) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Atomomarea flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Grimaline Smith-Mason (Flurrieon) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Atomomarea flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Widum Boise (MGO) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Jingo Jafari (Pfr.Chaos) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Quantium IV (Johnsondoe) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Albert Fingerlicker (Mittenmaker) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Arthur Smith (Zbozienk) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
John Kramer (Caractaser) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Valerie Murray (Evabay2) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Klim Goroshenko (Korvalon) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Moses Coldsmith (Kieran12) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Xenonia flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Benjamin Leichter (Bartk) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Xenonia flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Octavius Kendric (Mazur907) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Xenonia flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Alexandr Pechkin (Wozzy) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Xenonia flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Dudd Postal (StarrmanN) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Xenonia flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Julian Elliott (SashaIsDead) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Xenonia flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Dr. Ingvar Johansen (Br3adCrumb5) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Xenonia flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Marin Mrack (Pexel5) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Xenonia flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Colin Stone (AN1W4N) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Stanfordistan flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Zackeesa Andreev (ShizzleGaming) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Stanfordistan flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Lomalo Ebalo (ViperSnake01) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Stanfordistan flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Eternius Lament (Onjec) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Stanfordistan flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Marina Rudinova (Ekaterina von Russland) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Stanfordistan flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Marko Sanchez (Marqui2156) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Stanfordistan flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Pilk Smirnov (C0ld0n02) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Stanfordistan flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Viklechard Baltimore (LordGfus) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Stanfordistan flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Dag Majin (Pianonewb) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Stanfordistan flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
monkey (892) (Byandaccount) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Stanfordistan flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Maks Glen (Kawaiinick) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Stanfordistan flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Linden Mccullough (Keptyouwaitinghuh) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Krakaahsje Vitche II (Chimpston) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Post-Neoclassical-Pseudo-Quasi-Clownism (Radioprague) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Richard Walker (Dimy003) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Lando Baker (Radugadew1) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Mars XI (Mr. Emperor) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Tungsten IX (YomamaVisiter) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Lisa Montes (Graybear98) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Pax DEUS (Vanghan) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Hard Moffter (Mica Bloodless) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Frank Troy (DARK_mir0) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Meme (Kusabimaru5456) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Phil Leoretardo (WalkingSkeleon) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Lenald Wabbite (Improvedname) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Cratetide flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Leland Zeal (Purf) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Cratetide flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Cooper Endsley (Meepnix) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Ira Steven Behr (EsotericSeaslug) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Xenonia flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Noel Aultman (Sharkster9) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Xenonia flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Jimmy Quark (jonashx) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Natalie Eriksdottir (Beanito) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
Lamiatlas Renortus (Comxy) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Arm up. The citizens of Boozotia have a right to bear arms.
David Williams (Idontcarear) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Atomomarea flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Jamar Seidner (PeriPeriSauce) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Moffer White (RandomDudeFromTheRim) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Atomomarea flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Mugsy Boges (Died99) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Fia Nyakki (Mrkira) as The Separatists /datum/antagonist/separatist
  • SUCCESS Use a misaligned teleporter to make you and your fellow citizens of Chemitica flypeople. Bring toxin medication!
Security Officer Briggs (LordGfus) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/security
  • SUCCESS You are the nation of Centcomm. Retrieve all the banners and return to HQ.
Engineer Kadel (Ekaterina von Russland) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/engineer
  • SUCCESS You are the nation of Centcomm. Retrieve all the banners and return to HQ.
Medical Officer Boyer (ShizzleGaming) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/medic
  • SUCCESS You are the nation of Centcomm. Retrieve all the banners and return to HQ.
Commander Addison (ViperSnake01) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/commander
  • SUCCESS You are the nation of Centcomm. Retrieve all the banners and return to HQ.
Trooper Butch Deadlift (Ekaterina von Russland) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
  • SUCCESS Activate the nuke, show those nation scum whos who. Leave no witnesses.
Trooper Theodore Pain (Aceypoo) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
  • SUCCESS Activate the nuke, show those nation scum whos who. Leave no witnesses.
Trooper Evil Bob Marley (Lipino7) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
  • SUCCESS Activate the nuke, show those nation scum whos who. Leave no witnesses.
Trooper Beef Slab (LordGfus) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
  • SUCCESS Activate the nuke, show those nation scum whos who. Leave no witnesses.
Officer Noam Bombsky (BingBong34) as The Deathsquad Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad/leader
  • SUCCESS Activate the nuke, show those nation scum whos who. Leave no witnesses.
Trooper Lance Killiam (DragonWolf565) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
Trooper Bicep McTricep (BingBong34) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
Trooper Thick McRunfast (Strange_Boi) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
Trooper Gristle McThornBody (Keptyouwaitinghuh) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
Trooper Beef Manmuscle (pexel5) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
Trooper Slate Slabrock (Mr. Emperor) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
Trooper Bold Bigflank (Ekaterina von Russland) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
Trooper Flint Ironstag (Nemai) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
Trooper Slate Slabrock (Aceypoo) as The Deathsquad Trooper /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad
Officer Toolboxl Rose (Forgetful) as The Deathsquad Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/deathsquad/leader
All Statistics
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