247484 on Terry
Restarted by admin in 01:09:42
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Survival Rate
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Black Orbit
Forced Threat Level -1
Threat Level 91
Maximum Threat 100
Player Count 74
Roundstart Budget 45.1
threat_curve_centre 0.3
threat_curve_width 3
forced_extended 0
no_stacking 1
stacking_limit 90

Round Initialized Duration Round Started Round Duration Round Ended Duration Round Shutdown
2025-01-05 17:12:11 00:04:35 2025-01-05 17:16:46 01:09:42 2025-01-05 18:26:28 00:10:12 2025-01-05 18:36:40
Log Links Round 247484 Public Logs at /tg/station Round 247484 at 🐝 Scrubby
Github Commit 9277364ef6449262e2c693ff6817925e074c47ce
How to Install Gentoo
Basic Statistics
Brandon Robinson (Arkztralic) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Cause a station evacuation.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Treeby (Leonard252) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Terrorize Service enough to be attacked on sight.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Zamir Bragin (Poplop228) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Cause a disaster to shake the station.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Micheal Smith (Kolsuzmuzaffer49) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Ensure atmospherics is confused by the end of the shift.
  • FAIL Protect George Jefferson, the Quartermaster.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Icarus Umbra (Thepoisonedlocust) as The Spy /datum/antagonist/spy
  • FAIL Keep everyone out of the cargo bay.
  • FAIL Ensure Service is powerful by the end of the shift.
  • FAIL Protect Kane Ochaco, the Botanist.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Nico Fogel (Forgetful) as The Changeling /datum/antagonist/changeling
  • FAIL Extract 8 compatible genomes.
  • FAIL Steal the reactive teleport armor
  • SUCCESS Assassinate George Jefferson, the Quartermaster.
  • SUCCESS Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Jacob Altmann (TroverIsInsane) as The Changeling /datum/antagonist/changeling
  • FAIL Extract 8 compatible genomes.
  • FAIL Steal a hand teleporter
  • SUCCESS Assassinate George Jefferson, the Quartermaster.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod with the identity of Brick Hall, the Assistant while wearing their identification card.
Emilio Rodrigues (Mr.DarkPush) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Boris Mahnov (Livrah) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Doof Gorbo (Trango1212) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Simon Overstreet (Bowek) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Halbert Vainstein (AyeBlinchik) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
Melda Rachel (Foux0) as The Heretic /datum/antagonist/heretic
  • FAIL Research at least 20 knowledge from the Mansus. You start with 7 researched.
  • FAIL Sacrifice at least 4 crewmembers.
  • FAIL Sacrifice 1 head of staff.
  • FAIL Summon 2 monsters from the Mansus into this realm.
Saak-Azala (Cassava) as The Ash Walker /datum/antagonist/ashwalker
  • SUCCESS Protect the necropolis tendril nest at all costs.
Untouchable (JonatBender) as The Infiltrator /datum/antagonist/traitor/infiltrator
  • SUCCESS Steal the Captain's jetpack
  • SUCCESS Prevent Carly Benson, the Cook, from escaping alive.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Micheal Bullard (Delite1) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • FAIL Sacrifice Behemoth, the Chaplain via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Prison Visitation Area, The Transit Tube and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
TreyTorin 9000 (CaffeineAbuser) as The Cult Construct /datum/antagonist/cult/construct
  • FAIL Sacrifice Behemoth, the Chaplain via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Prison Visitation Area, The Transit Tube and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Richard Smith (Car_lander) as The Cultist /datum/antagonist/cult
  • FAIL Sacrifice Behemoth, the Chaplain via invoking an Offer rune with him on it and three acolytes around it.
  • FAIL Summon Nar'Sie by invoking the rune 'Summon Nar'Sie'. The summoning can only be accomplished in The Prison Visitation Area, The Transit Tube and the Experimentation Lab - where the veil is weak enough for the ritual to begin.
Nax Javoski (JavaMaster) as The Syndicate Sleeper Agent /datum/antagonist/traitor/infiltrator/sleeper_agent
  • FAIL Steal the station blueprints
  • FAIL Steal the Captain's jetpack
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Nassa-Keel (Car_lander) as The Ash Walker /datum/antagonist/ashwalker
  • SUCCESS Protect the necropolis tendril nest at all costs.
Shade of Boris Mahnov (Livrah) as The Loyal Shade /datum/antagonist/shade_minion
Shade of Emilio Rodrigues (Mr.DarkPush) as The Loyal Shade /datum/antagonist/shade_minion
Shade of Trench Kortewich (Tormenticon) as The Loyal Shade /datum/antagonist/shade_minion
Cetus JY (MoonDeer26) as The Recovered Crew /datum/antagonist/recovered_crew
broodmother spiderling (854) (Kacperpl123pl) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Ensure the survival of the spider species and overtake whatever structure you find yourself in.
broodmother spiderling (569) (Madsenanders) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Ensure the survival of the spider species and overtake whatever structure you find yourself in.
tank spiderling (949) (MooCow12) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (811) (WeLL558) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (125) (OrdinaryFlextTapeUser) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
guard spiderling (803) (TheAncientKnight) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (813) (Tortico) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (49) (Nobody of importance) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
broodmother spiderling (18) (Delite1) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
nurse spiderling (160) (Mechanoid_N_639) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (253) (AyeBlinchik) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
scout spiderling (115) (Light293) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (480) (Buffoilymen) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
ambush spiderling (697) (MoonDeer26) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
scout spiderling (323) (Somememeguy) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
ambush spiderling (762) (Livrah) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
tangle spiderling (914) (OrdinaryFlextTapeUser) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
hunter spiderling (149) (Mechanoid_N_639) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
Yooni Penyo (Trulyspecial) as The Heretic /datum/antagonist/heretic
  • FAIL Research at least 20 knowledge from the Mansus. You start with 7 researched.
  • FAIL Sacrifice at least 4 crewmembers.
  • FAIL Sacrifice 1 head of staff.
  • FAIL Summon 2 monsters from the Mansus into this realm.
tangle spiderling (792) (Tormenticon) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (840) (WeLL558) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
guard spiderling (615) (Cringebase) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (592) (WeLL558) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tangle spiderling (919) (haxthejax) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
nurse spiderling (912) (Maran123) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (640) (Erollitovic) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
Deeja-Sheer (Skulker) as The Ash Walker /datum/antagonist/ashwalker
  • SUCCESS Protect the necropolis tendril nest at all costs.
nurse spiderling (983) (Maran123) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
broodmother spiderling (337) (Tortico) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (875) (Nanime_Desu) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
viper spiderling (382) (Somememeguy) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
ambush spiderling (428) (Buffoilymen) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
tangle spiderling (544) (Lopz1) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (698) (Nemai) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
ambush spiderling (462) (Sloss) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (586) (Mechanoid_N_639) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (781) (Gueba14) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
viper spiderling (320) (Debesta) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tarantula spiderling (977) (OrdinaryFlextTapeUser) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
hunter spiderling (470) (Vicente S) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (837) (WeLL558) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (356) (AyeBlinchik) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
breacher spiderling (572) (Heehawmcgraw) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (645) (Mechanoid_N_639) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
broodmother spiderling (180) (Maran123) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (202) (haxthejax) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tank spiderling (329) (MoonDeer26) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
viper spiderling (366) (TheAncientKnight) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tangle spiderling (848) (sloss) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (67) (Ballkicker) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tarantula spiderling (95) (MrToofer) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (710) (Nanime_Desu) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
broodmother spiderling (66) (JonatBender) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (166) (Ballkicker) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (50) (sloss) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
breacher spiderling (432) (Nanime_Desu) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
nurse spiderling (297) (Gueba14) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (597) (WeLL558) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (797) (haxthejax) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (401) (Somememeguy) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
Shade of Treeby (Leonard252) as The Loyal Shade /datum/antagonist/shade_minion
ambush spiderling (253) (Thepoisonedlocust) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (734) (Arkztralic) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
tarantula spiderling (202) (Debesta) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
hunter spiderling (364) (Vicente S) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
viper spiderling (478) (Somememeguy) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
viper spiderling (79) (Somememeguy) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (243) (Mechanoid_N_639) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tarantula spiderling (279) (Ballkicker) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tangle spiderling (14) (Lopz1) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
tangle spiderling (725) (TheAncientKnight) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tank spiderling (261) (Arkztralic) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
breacher spiderling (123) (Ballkicker) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (53) (Tormenticon) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
broodmother spiderling (845) (AyeBlinchik) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (847) (Erollitovic) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
breacher spiderling (658) (MoonDeer26) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (719) (Somememeguy) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tank spiderling (784) (Nanime_Desu) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
ambush spiderling (689) (Mike2222) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
tank spiderling (283) (haxthejax) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (935) (WeLL558) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tarantula spiderling (101) (Somememeguy) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (603) (sloss) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (339) (Mechanoid_N_639) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Stay out of harm's way when young
ambush spiderling (453) (Darkknight0212) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (742) (PocketGab) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (441) (WeLL558) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tank spiderling (95) (SashaIsDead) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
Agent Alanna (Trulyspecial) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
Agent Talon (EEASAS) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
Head Auditor Landyn (McOnchePonche) as The Space Pirate /datum/antagonist/pirate
  • FAIL Acquire loot and store 50000 of credits worth in Pirate Shuttle cargo hold.
broodmother spiderling (887) (Tormenticon) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tarantula spiderling (72) (Mechanoid_N_639) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
ambush spiderling (806) (PocketGab) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
tank spiderling (130) (SashaIsDead) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
scout spiderling (266) (stevietv123) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
tarantula spiderling (359) (Doper) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tank spiderling (708) (SashaIsDead) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Stay out of harm's way when young
hunter spiderling (375) (sloss) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tarantula spiderling (850) (MoonDeer26) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (340) (Vicente S) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
ambush spiderling (272) (Mike2222) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
tarantula spiderling (66) (MoonDeer26) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tank spiderling (576) (Doper) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
nurse spiderling (849) (Pupa_d) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tank spiderling (299) (Thepoisonedlocust) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (448) (Darkknight0212) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
nurse spiderling (675) (Erollitovic) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
broodmother spiderling (434) (stevietv123) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tank spiderling (834) (Thepoisonedlocust) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (320) (WeLL558) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Should we go to departures?
nurse spiderling (980) (Misha600) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Stay out of harm's way when young
scout spiderling (801) (Arkztralic) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: TAKE THE SHUTTLE!
nurse spiderling (599) (Lopz1) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Should we go to departures?
hunter spiderling (735) (Vicente S) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (560) (haxthejax) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tarantula spiderling (60) (TheAncientKnight) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Should we go to departures?
viper spiderling (672) (Tortico) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tangle spiderling (881) (Darkknight0212) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (419) (Vicente S) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
viper spiderling (4) (Somememeguy) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Stay out of harm's way when young
viper spiderling (255) (Ballkicker) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (754) (Gueba14) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: TAKE THE SHUTTLE!
nurse spiderling (88) (Likteer) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tarantula spiderling (709) (Ballkicker) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (742) (SashaIsDead) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
broodmother spiderling (379) (JavaMaster) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
tangle spiderling (934) (OfficialNemuri) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (325) (Mechanoid_N_639) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (857) (PocketGab) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
tarantula spiderling (507) (Ballkicker) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (719) (Misha600) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
breacher spiderling (107) (Tortico) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
nurse spiderling (605) (Likteer) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Stay out of harm's way when young
tank spiderling (355) (OfficialNemuri) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Stay out of harm's way when young
nurse spiderling (978) (Arkztralic) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tarantula spiderling (490) (Darkknight0212) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
breacher spiderling (774) (Nanime_Desu) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
nurse spiderling (289) (Lopz1) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
guard spiderling (667) (Debesta) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Stay out of harm's way when young
guard spiderling (558) (Gueba14) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (669) (Vicente S) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: TAKE THE SHUTTLE!
breacher spiderling (37) (Thepoisonedlocust) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
Onasha-Azala (Acansys Sig) as The Ash Walker /datum/antagonist/ashwalker
  • SUCCESS Protect the necropolis tendril nest at all costs.
hunter spiderling (582) (Nanime_Desu) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
tank spiderling (461) (Somememeguy) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: TAKE THE SHUTTLE!
tangle spiderling (264) (CaffeineAbuser) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Stay out of harm's way when young
ambush spiderling (758) (OfficialNemuri) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (668) (Likteer) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
breacher spiderling (597) (Vicente S) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
scout spiderling (965) (Nanime_Desu) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (606) (Tortico) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (908) (Misha600) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (334) (PocketGab) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
tank spiderling (836) (MoonDeer26) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tarantula spiderling (223) (Somememeguy) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
scout spiderling (387) (Nanime_Desu) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Stay out of harm's way when young
tank spiderling (584) (Heehawmcgraw) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (844) (MrToofer) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
tank spiderling (86) (TheAncientKnight) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
breacher spiderling (681) (Tortico) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (993) (Ballkicker) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
hunter spiderling (509) (Mechanoid_N_639) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Stay out of harm's way when young
tank spiderling (637) (Ballkicker) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: TAKE THE SHUTTLE!
nurse spiderling (663) (Lopz1) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (103) (Arkztralic) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
Oleed-Pad (Skulker) as The Ash Walker /datum/antagonist/ashwalker
  • SUCCESS Protect the necropolis tendril nest at all costs.
hunter spiderling (21) (OrdinaryFlextTapeUser) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Stay out of harm's way when young
tank spiderling (241) (Darkknight0212) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (39) (haxthejax) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
hunter spiderling (433) (Mechanoid_N_639) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
nurse spiderling (593) (Nobody of importance) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
broodmother spiderling (316) (Gueba14) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
viper spiderling (196) (Delite1) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Should we go to departures?
ambush spiderling (167) (MoonDeer26) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • FAIL Spread the infestation.
guard spiderling (337) (Erollitovic) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
hunter spiderling (683) (haxthejax) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
Shade of Basstralius Quastor (Hbreddl10) as The Loyal Shade /datum/antagonist/shade_minion
scout spiderling (839) (stevietv123) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Your queen has given you a directive! Follow it at all costs: Protect the queen and kill all humannoids
hunter spiderling (754) (Likteer) as The Spider /datum/antagonist/spider
  • SUCCESS Spread the infestation.
All Statistics
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